
See HOW a CAT can be DEAD and ALIVE at the SAME TIME !

Schrödinger `s c a t who is Erwin shrodinger? Erwin Shrodinger was an Austrian-Irish physicist who developed a number of fundamental results in quantum physics. Erwin Shrodinger was born on 12 august 1887 and died on 4  January 1961. Shrodinger`s cat Erwin Shrodinger`s famous thought experiment explains the Hisenberg`s uncertainty principal. A cat, a sealed vail of poison and a lump of radioactive substance are kept inside a box.The vail will open when one atom of the radiactive substance will decay. Since no one knows when the decay will occur, there is no way of knowing if the cat is dead or alive. while the box is closed, the cat is in a superposition state, being dead and alive at the same time. read more blogs, become a science nerd! hisenberg`s uncertainty principal : Black Holes:

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle - Great uncertainty

  Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle   Origin  the Heisenberg`s uncertainty principle was founded by Werner Heisenberg in 1927. Function  the Heisenberg`s Uncertainty principle states that we cannot simultaneously know the speed and position of a particle. This means that if we know the position of a particle , we cannot  know the momentum of the particle at the same time or vice versa. This is because it was discovered that everything around us acts a particle and a wave a the same time.  ok hear me out, when we think of a given particle, we know that it is in a single place at any instinct of time. it can also be shown in a graph where the particle is represented as a dot. it tells us that the probability of the particle being present at the given place is 100% and the probability of it being elsewhere is 0%.  now, whereas the waves are spread out and you cant tell that the wave is present at a single place at a time. it can be anywhere at any t...