
Showing posts from October, 2021

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle - Great uncertainty

  Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle   Origin  the Heisenberg`s uncertainty principle was founded by Werner Heisenberg in 1927. Function  the Heisenberg`s Uncertainty principle states that we cannot simultaneously know the speed and position of a particle. This means that if we know the position of a particle , we cannot  know the momentum of the particle at the same time or vice versa. This is because it was discovered that everything around us acts a particle and a wave a the same time.  ok hear me out, when we think of a given particle, we know that it is in a single place at any instinct of time. it can also be shown in a graph where the particle is represented as a dot. it tells us that the probability of the particle being present at the given place is 100% and the probability of it being elsewhere is 0%.  now, whereas the waves are spread out and you cant tell that the wave is present at a single place at a time. it can be anywhere at any t...